Open Letter on the Proposed Destruction of a Mural Cycle

A Federal Art Project mural cycle of thirteen panels devised and painted by Victor Arnautoff in 1936 in a San Francisco high school portrays George Washington as a slave owner and as the author of Native-American genocide. It is an important work of art, produced for all Americans under the auspices of a federal government seeking to ensure the survival of art during the Great Depression. Its meaning and commitments are not in dispute. It exposes and denounces in pictorial form the U.S. history of racism and colonialism. The only viewers who should feel unsafe before this mural are racists.

Now, however, activists including a number of students are seeking the destruction—not the concealment or contextualization—of the mural. The reasons they give—in public comment, in interviews, in the board’s statements—are various, but they all depend on rejecting the objective analysis of historical exploitation and colonial violence the mural offers and replacing it with activists’ valorization of their experiences of discomfort with the imagery and the authorship of the murals. On this account, a Russian immigrant cannot denounce historical wrongs by depicting them critically. On this account, only members of the affected communities can speak to such issues and only representations of history that affirm values they approve are suitable for their communities. On this account, representing historical misdeeds is degrading to some members of today’s student body. In a recent vote, the board of the San Francisco Unified School District voted unanimously to destroy the murals. To repeat: they voted to destroy a significant monument of anti-racism. This is a gross violation of logic and sense.

Let’s set aside the question of the voices calling for the murals’ destruction and their authority to speak for the communities they claim as their own. What remains is a mistake in the way we react to historical works of art—ignoring their meaning in favor of our feelings about them—and a mistake in the way we treat historical works of art—using them as tools for managing feelings, rather than as objects of interpretation. Let’s stand up for the integrity of art as well as for historical interpretation, and for a shared analysis of the political reality of the United States in the past and the present.

The undersigned oppose the school board’s decision and the wrong-headed approach to art and to history that lie behind that decision. We urge the school board to reverse its decision and take all reasonable steps to preserve the mural and to teach it as a work of art and as a representation of our history. We oppose this display of contempt for history.

To hear public comment preceding the board’s vote, follow this link.  (Discussion of the mural begins about ten minutes into the recording.)

At the end of the week, we will send this letter and list of signatories to the board members of the SFUSD. To add your signature, e-mail your name and institutional affiliation (if desired) to


Dean Abernathy, Orange Coast College

David Abraham, School of Law, University of Miami

Thomas J. Adams, University of Sydney

Aijaz Ahmad, Department of Comparative Literature, University of California, Irvine

Mike Alewitz, emeritus, Art Department/Mural Program, Central Connecticut State University

Julia M. Allen, emerita, Sonoma State University

Rodolfo Iñaki Rodríguez Alonso, San Diego State University

Bridget Alsdorf, Department of Art & Archaeology, Princeton University

Ellen Altfest, White Cube, London

Robert Ambaras, New York

Kevin B. Anderson, Department of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara

Donald Andreini

Charles Andrews, author

Dee E. Andrews, emerita, California State University, East Bay

Andrew Appel, Four Nations Ensemble, Hudson, N.Y.

Barbara Armentrout, former curator, The Peace Museum, Chicago, Ill.

Frank Thomas Armstrong, Portland, Ore.

J. Niel Armstrong, San Francisco

Paul Arnautoff, great-grandson of Victor Arnautoff

Alexander Artemyev, Moscow, Russia

Jennifer Ashton, English Department, University of Illinois at Chicago

Judith D. Auerbach, University of California, San Francisco

Jerry August, Los Angeles Unified School District

Todd Ayoung, Pratt Institute and Parsons, The New School

Dario Azzellini, Department of Development Sociology, Cornell University

Ronald Baers

Meryl Bailey, Mills College

Joan Baldwin, Special Collections, The Hotchkiss School

Marcello Barbanera, Università di Roma

Leo Barge

Joshua Barnett, New York

Cliff Barney

Darin Barney, McGill University

Leslie Bary, University of Louisiana

Paul L. Bash

Susan Sayre Batton, Oshman executive director, San José Museum of Art

Basile Baudez, Department of Art & Archaeology, Princeton University

Steven Bauer, emeritus, Miami University

Rick Baum, Social Science Department, City College of San Francisco

Elias Baumgarten, emeritus, University of Michigan-Dearbron

Ronald Bayer, Center for the History & Ethics of Public Health, Mailman School of Public Health

Michael Beatty, San Francisco, California

Joan E. Beaudoin, School of Information Sciences, Wayne State University

Joel Bellman, journalist, columnist, UCLA Extension instructor

Zoe Beloff, Department of Media Studies, Queens College CUNY

Laura Bender, artist

Ophelia Benson, columnist, Free Inquiry

Amanda Beresford, Department of Art History and Archaeology, Washington University in Saint Louis

Mark Berger, University of California, Berkeley, and George Washington High School class of 1960

Patricia Berger, emeritus, Department of History of Art, UC Berkeley

Lincoln Bergman, Washington High alumnus, educator, poet

Ceily Bergstrom

Lisa A. Margolin Berkelhammer, San Francisco Art Institute

Jody Berland, Department of Humanities, York University, Toronto

Avis Berman, writer and art historian

Barbara Bernstein, New Deal Art Registry

Jennifer Bethke, Department of Art and Art History, Sonoma State University

Karl Beveridge, artist

Peter Beynon, San Francisco

Amita Bhatt

Sam Binkley, Emerson College

Steven Bird

Elizabeth Bishop, Université d’Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed

Casey N. Blake, Columbia University

Jessica Blatt, Department of Political Science, Marymount Manhattan College

Ernest Everett Blevins, West Virginia State Historic Preservation Office and Living New Deal

Paul Von Blum, Departments of African American Studies and Communication, University of California, Los Angeles

Nancy Boas, San Francisco art historian and author

Michele Bogart, Stony Brook University

Cheryl Ann Bolden, artist and curator

William N. Bonds, emeritus, San Francisco State University

M. Elizabeth Boone, University of Alberta

Leon Botstein, president, Bard College

Kristina A. Boylan, SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Barbara Boyle

Kay Bradner, artist, San Francisco, CA

Jess Bravin, regent emeritus, University of California

Gray Brechin, The Living New Deal, UC Berkeley

Barbara Briemer

Cale Brooks, NYC Democratic Socialists of America Medicare for All campaign

Lulu Brotherton, Art History Department, State University of New York at New Paltz

Nicholas Brown, Departments of English and African American Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago

Wendy Brown, UC Berkeley

Demetri Broxton, Museum of the African Diaspora

Edith Brunette, University of Ottawa

Kimberly Bui, George Washington High School graduate

Joanna Bujes, SIG Docs, San Francisco

Deanne Burke, Berkwood Hedge School, Berkeley

Thomas Busse, treasurer, Libertarian Party of San Francisco

Charles T. Butler, emeritus, Columbus Museum

Judith Butler, University of California at Berkeley

Katharine Butler, artist, Sausalito, Calif., and New York

Stephen Buttes, Department of International Language and Culture Studies, Purdue University, Fort Wayne

John Cain, retired, San Jose Public Library

Felicity Callard, Department of Psychosocial Studies, Birkbeck, University of London

Elena M. Calvillo, Department of Art & Art History, University of Richmond

C. Jean Campbell, Art History Department, Emory University

Stephen Campbell, Department of the History of Art, Johns Hopkins University

Mirko Canevaro, Department of Classics, The University of Edinburgh

Marina Cappelletto, artist

Chris Carlsson, author and historian

Victoria Carpenter, artist and educator, Oakland Public School District, CA

Noel Carroll, Graduate Center, City University of New York

Matthew Carson, Los Medanos College

Kathleen M. Carter, former Virginia Beach, Va., Arts and Humanities Commissioner

Robert W. Carter, former trustee, Chrysler Museum of Art

Pamela Casper, New York Society Of Women Artists, New York Artists Circle

Roy E. Castellini, docent council board member, Crocker Art Museum, Sac, CA

Susan Castriota, artist

Sarah Cate, Department of Political Science, Saint Louis University

Faya Causey, retired, National Gallery of Art, DC

Michael Cavadias, actor, writer, NYC-DSA Citywide Leadership Committee

Anna Harwell Celenza, Georgetown University

Enrique Chagoya, Department of Art and Art History, Stanford University

Jeffery Chan, emeritus, Asian American Studies and English Departments, San Francisco State University

Stuart A. Chase, executive director, Monterey Museum of Art

Bi-Ling Chen, University of Central Arkansas

Robert W. Cherny, emeritus, San Francisco State University

Merlin Chowkwanyun, Columbia University

Leif Christiansen

Kevin Chua, Texas Tech University

Chuck Churchill, emeritus, Department of History, California State University, Chico

Carol Clark, emerita, Amherst College

T.J. Clark, emeritus, University of California, Berkeley

Hollis Clayson, Department of Art History, Northwestern University

David Clennon, Santa Monica, CA

Jeremy Cohan, School of Visual Arts

Bruce Cohen, emeritus, Worcester State University

Joni Alizah Cohen, writer, London, UK

Steven Colatrella, University of Padua

Eileen M. Colligan

Rob Colvin, New York Academy of Art

Carole Condé, artist

David R. Conrad, emeritus, University of Vermont

Jeff Cooper, retired history teacher, Crossroads School, Santa Monica, CA

Nicholas Copeland, Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Margaret Crawford, Department of Architecture, University of California, Berkeley

Gretchen Creekbaum, Indiana University

Todd Cronan, Art History Department, Emory University

Linda Cunningham, emerita, Franklin and Marshall College

Lincoln Cushing, archivist, artist, author

Barbara Kennedy Cutten

Merritt Cutten

Peter d’Agostino, artist and professor, Temple University

Husny Dahlan, artist

Patricia Dahlman, artist

Michael Dal Cerro, artist

Jessica M. Dandona, Liberal Arts Department, Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Malcolm Daniel, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

Keith Danish, Leonia, N.J.

Frances Davis, writer, Santa Barbara, Calif.

Michael Davis, emeritus, University of California, Riverside

Jodi Dean, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY

Spencer Decker, architect, San Francisco

Jerome H. Delamater, emeritus, Hofstra University

Rachael Z. DeLue, Department of Art & Archaeology and Program in American Studies, Princeton University

Steven DeLue, Miami University, emeritus, and Sonoma State University

James D’Emilio, Department of Humanities and Cultural Studies, University of South Florida

Claudia DeMonte, emerita, University of Maryland

Carol Denney, artist, Berkeley, Calif.

Linval DePass

Bindu Desai, M.D., Albany, Calif.

Susan C. Dessel, NY Artists Circle

Martha Louise Deutscher, author

Geert Dhondt, Department of Economics, John Jay College, CUNY

Dina DiBattista

Maria DiBattista, Department of English and Comparative Literature, Princeton University

William Diebold, Reed College

Eugenio Di Stefano, Foreign Languages & Literature, University of Nebraska, Omaha

Jed Dodd, Vice President, BMWED-Teamsters

Francisco Dominguez, photographer, artist, host of Radio Informar-KDVS public affairs

Michael S. Donaldson

Mariam F. Donerian, Somersville, Conn.

Tim Drescher, independent scholar

Veena Dubal, University of California, Hastings

Madhu Dubey, Departments of English and African American Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago

Carol Duncan, emeritus, Ramapo College of New Jersey

Stephen Duncombe, Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, New York University, co-director, Center for Artistic Activism

Tim Dunn, George Washington High School parent, San Francisco

Jessica Dunne, painter and printmaker, San Francisco

Marie-José Durquet, SFUSD parent, teacher at Gunn High School

Vivian Goodman Duvall

Leslie Dwyer, emerita, UCLA

Adam Eaker, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Steve Early, journalist, author, and member of NewsGuild-CWA

Merle Lynn Easton, AIA

Steve Eckardt, member Local 308 Amalgamated Transit Union, Chicago

TammyJo Eckhart

Martha Edelheit, artist

Jacob Edwards, Tulane University

Steve Edwards,  Department of Art History, Birkbeck College, University of London

Adele Eisenstein, curator, New York, NY and Budapest, Hungary

William Elliot

Annette Elowitch, founder, Barridoff Galleries, Portland, Maine

Rob Elowitch, founder, Barridoff Galleries, Portland, Maine

E. Lee Eltzroth, independent scholar, Peachtree City, GA

Deirdre English, University of California at Berkeley

Denise Escontrias

Robert Eshelman-Håkansson, Columbia Journalism School

Joaquin Espinosa, Cloverdale, CA

Sarah Evans, School of Art and Design, Northern Illinois University

Tom Eyers, Departments of Philosophy and English, Duquesne University

Hilarie Faberman

Nancy Faughnan, Yale University

David Featherstone

Liza Featherstone, The Nation and Jacobin, New York University and Columbia University

Terry Donsen Feder, Hartford Art School

Nina Felshin, writer, activist, curator, formerly Zilkha Gallery, Wesleyan University

Michael Fiday, College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati

Norma Field, retired, University of Chicago

Carlos Figueroa, Ithaca College

Yevgeniy Fiks, artist

Jerry Fillingim

Allan Fisher, City College of San Francisco

Karen Fitzgerald, visual artist, NYC

Richard Flacks, Department of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara

Jonathan Flatley, English Department, Wayne State University

Victoria Fleck, Philadelphia DSA

Dan Flory, Department of History & Philosophy, Montana State University

Hal Foster, Department of Art & Archaeology, Princeton University

Keith Fowler, emeritus, Claire Trevor School of the Arts, University of California, Irvine, and George Washington High School class of 1956.

Diana J. Fox, Department of Anthropology, Bridgewater State University

Daniel Francisco, board member of George Washington High School Alumni Association

Anne-Lise François, University of California, Berkeley

H. Bruce Franklin, emeritus, Departments of English and American Studies, Rutgers University—Newark

Karen Franklin, forensic psychologist, El Cerrito, CA

Nancy Fraser, New School for Social Research

Isabelle Freda, Film Studies Program, Hofstra University

Joshua B. Freeman, Department of History, Queens College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

Mark Freeman, School of Theatre, Television, and Film, San Diego State University

Joan Frenkel, Daly City, Calif.

Amy Freund, Department of Art History, Southern Methodist University

Michael Fried, emeritus, Johns Hopkins University

Rebecca Friedman, Princeton University

Bernard Frischer, Department of Informatics, Indiana University

Ellen T. Frisina, Journalism, Media Studies, and Public Relations Department, Hofstra University

Amber A’Lee Frost, writer and journalist

Laura Fry, Gilcrease Museum

William A. Gallo, artist and educator

Edgar Garcia, Department of English, University of Chicago

Francisco Rocky Garcia, GWHS graduate, community activist, visual artist

Sal Garcia, artist and curator, San Francisco

Judith K. Gardener, Chicago, Ill.

Joy Garnett

Rochelle Gatlin, emeritus, City College of San Francisco

Heather Gautney, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Fordham University

Tamara Gayer, artist

Miriam M. Basilio Gaztambide, Department of Art History, New York University

Amy Geller

Galina Gerasimova, City College of San Francisco

Paolo Gerbaudo, King’s College London

Frances Geteles, City College of New York, CUNY

Terri Ginsberg, The American University in Cairo

Judy Gittelsohn, Art for Well Beings

Fred Glass, Labor and Community Studies Department, City College of San Francisco

Sarah Glaubman, Oakland, Calif.

Sarah Gleeson-White, Department of English, University of Sydney

Herbert Golder, Boston University

Deborah Goldgaber, Louisiana State University

Jeffrey Goldthorpe, English Department, City College of San Francisco

Hon. Ruth Y. Goldway, ret. chair and commissioner, U.S. Postal Regulatory Commission, former mayor, Santa Monica, Calif.

Joseph Goldyne, artist

Heather Goodman, Goldsmiths

Eric A. Gordon, National Writers Union, Workmen’s Circle/Arbeiter Ring, Los Angeles Worker Center

Suzanne Gordon, author, journalist, member CWA-NewsGuild

Alexander Gorman, Duquesne University

Erika Davidson Gottfried, emerita archivist, Tamiment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University

Marie Gottschalk, Political Science Department, University of Pennsylvania

Bruce Graver, Providence College

Robert Greene, Portland, Ore.

Scott Griffith

Darcy Grimaldo Grigsby, U.C. Berkeley

Anthony Gronowicz, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY

Brian Gross, Brian Gross Fine Art, San Francisco

Dustin Guastella, Philadelphia DSA

Gabriele Guidi, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

Ilya Gurin

Marta Gutman, City College of New York and Graduate Center/CUNY

Melissa Gwyn, University of California at Santa Cruz

Madeleine Haddon, Princeton University

Steven Hahn, New York University

Beverly L. Hall

John Halle, composer and pianist

Richard Halpern, Department of English, New York University

Theodore Hamm, St. Joseph’s College, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Mary Ruffin Hanbury, Hanbury Preservation Consulting

Joseph F. Hancock, editor, Labor Today/El Trabajo Diario on behalf of Labor United for Class Struggle

James Hankins, Harvard University

Lawrence Hanley, Department of English, San Francisco State University

Claire Haratani, Menlo Park, Calif.

Joan Haratani, Menlo Park, Calif.

Lea Haratani, Menlo Park, Calif.

Amy Harlib

Ann Sutherland Harris, emerita, History of Art & Architecture, University of Pittsburgh

Theodore A. Harris, founder and director, The Institute for Advanced Study in Black Aesthetics

Hershl Hartman, The Sholem Community, L.A.

Jonathan Harwitz, Low Income Investment Fund

David Harvey, Graduate Center, CUNY

Charles Hatfield, University of Texas at Dallas

Art Hazelwood, San Francisco Art Institute

Andrew Hemingway, emeritus, Department of the History of Art, University College London

Molly Heron

William F. Herrón III, senior mural art conservator and proprietor, Conservancy of Urban Art, Los Angeles

Patricia Hills, emerita, Boston University

Renee Hirschberg

Stephen Hitchcock, Prague, Czech Republic

Leslie Hogan

Ivend D. Holen, Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice

Bonnie Holt, Fine and Media Arts Department, Contra Costa College

Dave Holt

Claudia Hommel, former archivist, Detroit Institute of Arts

Vlatka Horvat, artist

James Housefield, University of California, Davis

Andrew Hsiao, Verso Books

Gary Huck, political cartoonist, Huck/Konopacki Cartoons

Arthur Hughes, artist

Gordon Hughes, Rice University

Sarah Humphreville, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

Forrest Hylton, Ciencia Política, Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Sede Medellín

Alexander Ignon

Annemarie Iker, Mill Valley, CA

Amy Ione, director, The Diatrope Institute

Joel Isaacson, emeritus, University of Michigan

William Issel, San Francisco State University

Rich Ivry, Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley

Jack Jackson, Department of Politics, Whitman College

Anton Jäger, Cambridge University

Daniel James, Department of History, Indiana University

Fredric Jameson, Duke University

Kenneth Janken, Department of African, African American and Diaspora Studies, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Catharine Jansen, art historian and retired museum librarian

Stephanie C. Jeanjean, The Cooper Union, Sotheby’s Institute, New York

Cedric G. Johnson, University of Illinois at Chicago

Richard A. Johnson, The Sports Museum, Boston, Mass.

Robert Flynn Johnson, emeritus, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

Alastair Johnston, retired, University of California, Berkeley

Michele Jones, SFUSD parent

Peyton Lee Jones, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg

Timothy Justus, Pitzer College

Lewis Kachur, Art History program, Kean University

Stephen Kaltenbach, emeritus, California State University, Sacramento

Vanessa Kam

Ramsey Kanaan, publisher, PM Press

Beth Katleman, artist

Cindi Katz, Graduate Center, CUNY

Tarak Kauff, Veterans for Peace, managing editor, Peace in Our Times

Robert Keim, GWHS graduate, Port Townsend, Washington

Terry Keim, artist and writer, Hines, OR

Gail Kelley

Kyra Ayn Kennedy

Fred Kennel

Linda Kent

Christina Kiaer, Department of Art History, Northwestern University

Katherine C. King, emerita, Comparative Literature, UCLA

Phil King, artist and editor

Virginia King, mother of George Washington High School graduate

Leslie A. Koelsch

Joel Kohen

Olga Kopenkina, curator, New York

Anna Kornbluh, University of Illinois at Chicago

Steven Kovacs, School of Cinema, San Francisco State University and George Washington High School alumnus

Geoffrey Koziol, Department of History, UC Berkeley

Joyce Kozloff, artist

Jason Kozlowski, Institute for Labor Studies and Research, West Virginia University

Chris Kraus, writer and critic

Brandon Kreitler, CUNY

Barbara Krzewicki

Benjamin Kunkel, author

Pat Kunstenaar

David Kunzle, emeritus, writer on murals

Karen Kurczynski, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Diana Kurz, artist, NYC

Olivia Kuser, artist

Rachel Kushner, novelist and George Washington High School graduate

Scarlet La Rue, retired surgeon, George Washington High School graduate

Gordon Lafer, University of Oregon

Roger N. Lancaster, George Mason University

Rocco Landesman, president emeritus Jujamcyn Theaters, former Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts

Helen Langa, emerita, Art Department, American University

Martin C. Langeveld, former publisher, The Berkshire Eagle, and former board chair, Hancock Shaker Village, Pittsfield, Mass.

Brad Lapin, Atlanta, GA and Rome, Italy

Marjorie Lasky, emerita, Department of History, Diablo Valley College

Nora Latin, writer and George Washington High School graduate

Denis Lavinski, artist, Los Angeles

Karen J. Leader, Department of Visual Arts and Art History, Florida Atlantic University

Virginia Leavell, University of California, Santa Barbara

Anthony W. Lee, Mount Holyoke College

Ying Lee

Marc James Léger, independent scholar

Robert Lehman, English Department, Boston College

Robert D. Leighninger Jr.

Steve Leikin, History Department, San Francisco State University

Jerry Lembcke, emeritus, Department of Sociology/Anthropology, Holy Cross College

Marisa Lerer, Manhattan College

Eric Lerner, civil rights and immigrant rights activist, member, Jobs and Equal Rights for All Campaign

Stephanie Levin, City College of San Francisco/University of San Francisco

Yasha Levine, author, investigative journalist, Washington High School alumnus

Howard Levy

Carol Lewine

Ruth Leys, emeritus, Johns Hopkins University

Siv B. Lie, School of Music, University of Maryland, College Park

Sasha Lilley, KPFA Radio

Dennis Linn, author

Sheila Linn, author

Adam Linson, University of Stirling

Lucy R. Lippard, cultural and contemporary art author

Beverly Lipson, Washington High School graduate

Linda Liu, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Paolo Liverani, Università di Firenze

Lourdes Livingston, Academy of Art University and Achenbach Graphic Arts Council

Dave Loewenstein, muralist, Lawrence, KS

Fred Lonidier, emeritus, University of California, San Diego

Leslie Lopez, LaborFest Hawai’i

Stephanie Luce, former docent, National Archives, Washington DC

Angelina Lucento, School of Historical Studies, National Research University-Higher School of Economics (Russian Federation)

Rita Boncompagni Ludovisi

Kilynn Lunsford, Philadelphia DSA, Unite Here local 274

Catherine H. Lusheck, University of San Francisco

Joan Lyons, artist, emerita, Visual Studies Workshop

Seth Kahn, Professor of English, West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis, The Graduate Center, The City University of New York

Lucy Mahler, muralist

Nivedita Majumdar, John Jay College, CUNY

Virginia Maksymowicz, emerita, Department of Art & Art History, Franklin & Marshall College

John Marciano, emeritus, SUNY Cortland

Kitty Margolis, jazz singer and educator, San Francisco

Kara Maria, artist

Tom Marioni, founder, Museum of Conceptual Art, San Francisco

Charles Marsteller, retired, University of California, San Francisco

Carl G. Martin, Norwich University

Nilus de Matran

Evan Mauro, University of British Columbia, Vancouver

Margie Maynard, Sonoma Valley Museum of Art

Fabian Maynetto, San Francisco State University

Leo Mazow, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

Sean McCann, Wesleyan University

Anne McClanan, Art History, Portland State University

Sharon McConnell-Sidorick, historian and author

Jessica McCoy, Pitzer College

Pamela Mays McDonald, graduate, George Washington High School, retired senior administrator, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, former arts commissioner, Alameda County

Susan McDonough, appraiser, San Francisco

Carol McFarland, Arcata, CA

Bruce McGaw, emeritus, San Francisco Art Institute

Matthew McKelway, Department of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University

Anna McKittrick, Emory University

Thomas McNamee

David McNeil, emeritus, Department of History, San José State University

Christine Brueckner McVay

Christopher Mead, University of Utah

Elizabeth Mead, Department of Art and Art History, College of William & Mary

Walter Melion, Art History Department, Emory University

William J. Mello, Indiana University

Andrew Merton, emeritus, University of New Hampshire

Joan Mettler

Amy Meyer, national parks advocate and artist, San Francisco

Walter Benn Michaels, English Department, University of Illinois at Chicago

Judith A. Miller, Department of History, Emory University

Mark Crispin Miller, Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, New York University

Sarah M. Miller, Mills College

Sherry Millner, CUNY Staten Island

Doug Minkler, poster maker

Alex Miokovic, College of Art and Design, Rochester Institute of Technology

Daniel Moak, African American Studies, Ohio University

Laurie Norton Moffatt, Norman Rockwell Museum

Michael Monley, retired history teacher, George Washington High School

David S. Moore

Dorinda Moreno, Hitec Aztec

Doug Morris, West Chester University, West Chester, Penn.

Brian Morton, Sarah Lawrence College

Leah Moscozo, senior mural art conservator and proprietor, Conservancy of Urban Art, Los Angeles

Anthony Mostrom, artist and journalist, Los Angeles

Sean Mulligan

Colleen Mullins, artist, San Francisco

Dennis Mulqueeney, Berkeley, Calif.

Steve Mumford, artist

Michael Munk, retired academic and historian

Pete Murchison

Niall Ó Murchú, Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies, Western Washington University

Malgorzata Myk, Institute of English Studies, University of ?ód?, Poland

Ted Nannicelli, University of Queensland

Balaji Narasimhan, Los Altos, Calif.

Zoika Naskova

Joshua C. Nathan, Attorney at Law, NY

Deborah Nelson, University of Chicago

Raymond Richard Neutra, M.D., Ph.D.

Heidi C. Nickisher, College of Art & Design, Rochester Institute of Technology

August Nimtz, Departments of Political Science and African American & African Studies, University of Minnesota

Alva Noe, University of California, Berkeley

Deborah Epstein Nord, Department of English, Princeton University

Anne Norton, Political Science Department, University of Pennsylvania

Marc Norton, former president, Alvarado Elementary School PTA

James Oakes, Graduate Center, CUNY

Micheál O’Connell, University of Sussex, UK

Margaret Olin, Department of Religious Studies, Yale University

Jennifer Olmsted, Department of Art and Art History, Wayne State University

Megan E. O’Neil, Art History Department, Emory University

Walter O’Neill, fresco painter

Patricia O’Regan, paintings conservator, San Francisco

James O’Reilly

Kathryn O’Rourke, Department of Art and Art History, Trinity University

Jeremy Ott, University of California, Berkeley

Fraser Ottanelli, Department of History, University of South Florida

Lincoln Pain, George Washington High School graduate

Charles Palermo, Department of Art and Art History and Film and Media Studies Program, College of William & Mary

Catha Paquette

Samuele F. S. Pardini

Christian Parenti, Department of Economics, John Jay College, CUNY

Angela F. Parker, attorney, Indiana

Paul A. Passavant, Department of Political Science, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Jason Pedicone, The Paideia Institute

David Perry, director of education, The William J. Perry Project

Renée Petropoulos, artist, Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles

Emily Phillips, artist

Ellen Piccolo, Prince Street Gallery

Jacob Picheny, retired, City College of San Francisco

Michael Pierce, Department of History, University of Arkansas

Sheila Pinkel, emerita, Art Department, Pomona College

John P. Pittman, Department of Philosophy, John Jay College, CUNY

Peter G. Platt, Department of English, Barnard College

Susan N. Platt

Mantra Plonsey, El Cerrito, Calif.

Frances K. Pohl, emeritus, Pomona College

David Poklinkoski, president emeritus, IBEW Local 2304

Alex Potts, University of Michigan

Lawrence N. Powell, Tulane University

Paul Prescod, Philadelphia Federation of Teachers

Karl Pribram, composer, San Francisco

James Prigoff

Adam Proctor, Dead Pundits Society

Stanislao Pugliese, Department of History, Hofstra University

David Pullins, The Frick Collection

Damian S. Quintanilla, Sr., alumnus, University of California, Merced

Katie Rader, University of Pennsylvania

Carol Radsprecher, artist, Brooklyn, NY

Joseph G. Ramsey, Departments of English and American Studies, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Peter Ranis, Graduate Center, City University of New York

John Rapko, College of Marin

Stephanie Rauschenbusch, artist, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Courtney Rawlings, Emory University

Orlando Reade, English Department, Princeton University

Reiko Redmonde, Revolution Books Berkeley

Adolph Reed, Jr., emeritus, Political Science Department, University of Pennsylvania

Touré Reed, Department of History, Illinois State University

Victoria S. Reed, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Carly Regina, University of Pennsylvania

Oliver Ressler, artist and filmmaker, Vienna

Susan M. Reverby, emerita, Wellesley College

Rhonda Reymond, Art History Department, West Virginia University

Laurie Jo Reynolds, Art Department, University of Illinois at Chicago

Anne-Marie Rhodes, School of Law, Loyola University Chicago

Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway, emerita, Bryn Mawr College

Katherine W. Rinne, California College of the Arts

Julie Risser, Liberal Arts Department, Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Jon Ritter, Department of Art History, New York University

Ellen Robbins, Johns Hopkins University

John Roberts, University of Wolverhampton

Alan Rohwer, independent scholar

Christian Ronse, University of Strasbourg

Mark Rosen, University of Texas at Dallas

Carmen Rosenberg-Miller, Department of Art & Archaeology, Princeton University

Mark C. Rosenzweig, former director, Reference Center for Marxist Studies

Phyllis Rosenzweig, independent curator

Martha Rosler, artist

Diana Maria Rossi, artist, Berkeley, Calif.

David S. Rotenstein, Goucher College

Laura E Ruberto, Berkeley City College

James H. Rubin, Department of Art, Stony Brook University

Jeffrey Ruda

Vasily Rudich, independent scholar

Blair Rutherford, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Carleton University

Fred Ryan, Shawville, Quebec

Greg Ryan

Kathleen E. Salvia, retired executive director, Sanchez Art Center, Pacifica

Jos Sances, artist and retired Teamster

Darryl Sapien, artist, San Francisco

Emilio Sauri, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Joan Saverino, University of Pennsylvania

David Schaafsma, Department of English, University of Illinois at Chicago

Michele Schaal, San Francisco

Jesse Schaefer, former George Washington High School student

Reuel Schiller, University of California, Hastings College of the Law

Ann Schneider, Esq., NYC

Eugene Schoenfeld

Michael Schreyach, Department of Art and Art History, Trinity University

Jason Schulman, Lehman College, CUNY

Barry Schwabsky, The Nation

Harvey Schwartz

Dahlia Schweitzer, Art Center College of Design

Joseph Sciorra, John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, Queens College, CUNY

Joan W. Scott, Princeton, New Jersey

Mika Seeger, ceramic muralist, Rhode Island

Louis Segal, retired lecturer in history

Carole Seligman

Cynthia Servetnick, San Francisco Preservation Consortium

Julie Seville, History Department, University of Chicago

Nizan Shaked, California State University, Long Beach

Irith Shalmony

Susan Shepard, historian, curator, and genealogist, Connecticut

Stephen Sheppard, Williams College

Will Shetterly, writer

Galina Shevchenko, Harold Washington College

Joseph Shieber, Lafayette College

Heather Shirey, art historian

Willis L. Shirk, Jr., Meraki Enterprises LLC, Lancaster, Penn.

Gregory Sholette, artist

Marguerite Shore, New York

Laurence Shute, emeritus, Economics Department, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Daniel Sidorick, Department of Labor Studies, Rutgers University

Gary Siegel, small business owner, San Francisco

Hadass Silver, Political Science Department, University of Pennsylvania

Korey Simeone, Los Angeles

Hope Singer, Arts Workers Union attorney

Lisa Siraganian, Southern Methodist University

Dan I. Slobin, emeritus, University of California, Berkeley

Jedidiah Sloboda, Philadelphia School District

Charles T. Smith, retired, AFSCME local 444, Richmond, Calif.

Harvey Smith, National New Deal Preservation Association

John Curtis Smith, Wake Technical Community College

Murray Smith, University of Kent

Nina G. Smith, licensed marriage and family counselor

Preston H. Smith II, Mount Holyoke College

Richard Smith, architect, Swampscott Historical Commission, Swampscott, Mass.

Rogers M. Smith, Political Science Department, University of Pennsylvania

Davis Smith-Brecheisen, University of Illinois at Chicago

Maryly Snow, distinguished emerita librarian, University of California, Berkeley

Andrew Solow, San Francisco, CA

Lucia Sommer, Critical Art Ensemble, Tallahassee, FL

Miri Song, University of Kent

Jenni Sorkin, University of California, Santa Barbara

Cayley Sorochan, McGill University

Laurel Sparks, Department of Fine Arts, Pratt Institute

Daniel Spaulding, Getty Research Institute

Ellen Spear, Norman Rockwell Museum

Michael Spear, Kingsborough Community College, CUNY

Kal Spelletich, San Francisco Art Institute

Joni Spigler, artist and art historian

Richard Stallman, founder of free software movement

Amy Dru Stanley, Department of History and the Law School, University of Chicago

Peter Stansky, Stanford University

Ilan Stavans, Amherst College

Christopher M. Sterba, San Francisco State University

Melissa Stern, artist, journalist, Parsons School of Design, NYC

Wat Stearns, AlternaTees

Clay Steinman, emeritus, Media and Cultural Studies, Macalester College

Carolyn C. Stenovec

Andrew Stewart, emeritus, Departments of History of Art and Classics, UC Berkeley

Timothy Stewart-Winter, Department of History, Rutgers University—Newark

Steve Striffler, Anthropology Department, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Patricia Sullivan, University of South Carolina

Draga Šušanj, artist, Omega Institute

Ted Swedenburg, Department of Anthropology, University of Arkansas

B. Alexandra Szerlip

Adam Szetela, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin at Madison

Zachary Tavlin, School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Paula Taylor

Diane Tepfer, University of Maryland, University College

Rei Terada, University of California, Irvine

Lisa Thompson, The Living New Deal

Sam Thurston, painter and sculptor, Lowell, Vt.

John Timberlake, Middlesex University, London, UK

Blaise Tobia, emeritus, Department of Art and Art History, Drexel University

Michael A. Tomlan, Cornell University

Joe Tompkins, Department of Communication Arts and Theatre, Allegheny College

Edgar L. Torres, Latin American and Latino Studies, City College of San Francisco

Randall Tosh, attorney, Salem, OR

Amy Trachtenberg, visual artist, public artist

Mary Anne Trasciatti, Hofstra University

Arthur Tress, photographer, San Francisco

Preston Trombly, artist

Adam Turl, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, art and design editor, Red Wedge Magazine

Harold Turnquist, retired, Saint Paul Public Schools, Saint Paul, Minn.

Francine Tyler, Department of Art History, New York University

Dell Upton, Department of Art History, UCLA

James A. van Dyke, University of Missouri

Eric Varner, Art History Department, Emory University

Mariah Vaughn

Marina Vishmidt, Department of Media, Communications and Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London

Robert Vitalis, Political Science Department, University of Pennsylvania

Christian Viveros-Fauné, Contemporary Art Museum, University of South Florida

Beverly R. Voloshin, emerita, San Francisco State University

Paul Von Blum, Departments of African American Studies and Communication, UCLA

Anne M. Wagner, emeritus, History of Art, University of California, Berkeley

Bryan Wagner, University of California, Berkeley

Alan Wallach, emeritus, Department of Art and Art History and American Studies Program, College of William & Mary

Erik Wallenberg, Brooklyn College

Susan Waller, University of Missouri, St. Louis

Kjell M. Wangensteen, Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields

Lauren Ward

Mary Margaret Ward, Novato, Calif.

Kenneth Warren, Department of English, Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture, University of Chicago

Shilyh Warren, University of Texas at Dallas

Kathryn Wayne, emerita, University of California Berkeley

Gail Wechsler, San Francisco

Andrew Weinstein, Department of Art History, Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY, and Cooper Union

Rebecca Weinstein

Carol A. Wells, founder and executive director, Center for the Study of Political Graphics

Jeff Wentzell

Stephen Whistler, artist, Napa, Calif.

Deirdre White, artist, City College of San Francisco and University of California, Davis

Eric White, artist, Los Angeles and New York

Ian McKibbin White, emeritus, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

Jeff Whittington, San Francisco

Debra Wilensky, San Francisco, parent of GWHS graduate

David E. Wilkins, Jepson School of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond

Allan Wilson, Portland State University

Ellen Winner, Department of Psychology, Boston College

Joanne Chow Winship, former director of cultural affairs, San Francisco Arts Commission

Erika Wolf, School of Advanced Studies, University of Tyumen, Russian Federation

Maryanne Wolf, director, Center for Dyslexia, Diverse Learners, and Social Justice

Mark W. Wolfe, Emory University

Phoebe Wolfskill, Indiana University

Howard Wong, AIA

George Wright, emeritus, California State University, Chico

Joanna Wuest, Princeton University

Chloe Wyma, associate editor, Artforum, The Graduate Center, CUNY

Margot Yale, The Museum of Modern Art, New York

Joseph Yannielli, Aston University

Victor Riley Y’Barbo, Stephen F. Austin State University

Lawrence Yee

Rachel Youens, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY

Marnin Young, Art History Department, Stern College for Women, Yeshiva University

Daniel Zamora, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Eli Zaretsky, New School for Social Research

Paul Zelevansky, artist and writer, New York

Justyn Zolli, visual artist and museum professional

Steven Zucker, executive director, Smarthistory

Open Letter on the Proposed Destruction of a Mural Cycle

A Federal Art Project mural cycle of thirteen panels devised and painted by Victor Arnautoff in 1936 in a San Francisco high school portrays George Washington as a slave owner and as the author of Native-American genocide. It is an important work of art, produced for all Americans under the auspices of a federal government seeking to ensure the survival of art during the Great Depression. Its meaning and commitments are not in dispute. It exposes and denounces in pictorial form the U.S. history of racism and colonialism. The only viewers who should feel unsafe before this mural are racists.

Now, however, activists including a number of students are seeking the destruction—not the concealment or contextualization—of the mural. The reasons they give—in public comment, in interviews, in the board’s statements—are various, but they all depend on rejecting the objective analysis of historical exploitation and colonial violence the mural offers and replacing it with activists’ valorization of their experiences of discomfort with the imagery and the authorship of the murals. On this account, a Russian immigrant cannot denounce historical wrongs by depicting them critically. On this account, only members of the affected communities can speak to such issues and only representations of history that affirm values they approve are suitable for their communities. On this account, representing historical misdeeds is degrading to some members of today’s student body. In a recent vote, the board of the San Francisco Unified School District voted unanimously to destroy the murals. To repeat: they voted to destroy a significant monument of anti-racism. This is a gross violation of logic and sense.

Let’s set aside the question of the voices calling for the murals’ destruction and their authority to speak for the communities they claim as their own. What remains is a mistake in the way we react to historical works of art—ignoring their meaning in favor of our feelings about them—and a mistake in the way we treat historical works of art—using them as tools for managing feelings, rather than as objects of interpretation. Let’s stand up for the integrity of art as well as for historical interpretation, and for a shared analysis of the political reality of the United States in the past and the present.

The undersigned oppose the school board’s decision and the wrong-headed approach to art and to history that lie behind that decision. We urge the school board to reverse its decision and take all reasonable steps to preserve the mural and to teach it as a work of art and as a representation of our history. We oppose this display of contempt for history.

To hear public comment preceding the board’s vote, follow this link.  (Discussion of the mural begins about ten minutes into the recording.)

At the end of the week, we will send this letter and list of signatories to the board members of the SFUSD. To add your signature, e-mail your name and institutional affiliation (if desired) to


Dean Abernathy, Orange Coast College

David Abraham, School of Law, University of Miami

Thomas J. Adams, University of Sydney

Aijaz Ahmad, Department of Comparative Literature, University of California, Irvine

Mike Alewitz, emeritus, Art Department/Mural Program, Central Connecticut State University

Julia M. Allen, emerita, Sonoma State University

Rodolfo Iñaki Rodríguez Alonso, San Diego State University

Bridget Alsdorf, Department of Art & Archaeology, Princeton University

Ellen Altfest, White Cube, London

Robert Ambaras, New York

Kevin B. Anderson, Department of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara

Donald Andreini

Charles Andrews, author

Dee E. Andrews, emerita, California State University, East Bay

Andrew Appel, Four Nations Ensemble, Hudson, N.Y.

Barbara Armentrout, former curator, The Peace Museum, Chicago, Ill.

Frank Thomas Armstrong, Portland, Ore.

J. Niel Armstrong, San Francisco

Paul Arnautoff, great-grandson of Victor Arnautoff

Alexander Artemyev, Moscow, Russia

Jennifer Ashton, English Department, University of Illinois at Chicago

Judith D. Auerbach, University of California, San Francisco

Jerry August, Los Angeles Unified School District

Todd Ayoung, Pratt Institute and Parsons, The New School

Dario Azzellini, Department of Development Sociology, Cornell University

Ronald Baers

Meryl Bailey, Mills College

Joan Baldwin, Special Collections, The Hotchkiss School

Marcello Barbanera, Università di Roma

Leo Barge

Joshua Barnett, New York

Cliff Barney

Darin Barney, McGill University

Leslie Bary, University of Louisiana

Paul L. Bash

Susan Sayre Batton, Oshman executive director, San José Museum of Art

Basile Baudez, Department of Art & Archaeology, Princeton University

Steven Bauer, emeritus, Miami University

Rick Baum, Social Science Department, City College of San Francisco

Elias Baumgarten, emeritus, University of Michigan-Dearbron

Ronald Bayer, Center for the History & Ethics of Public Health, Mailman School of Public Health

Michael Beatty, San Francisco, California

Joan E. Beaudoin, School of Information Sciences, Wayne State University

Joel Bellman, journalist, columnist, UCLA Extension instructor

Zoe Beloff, Department of Media Studies, Queens College CUNY

Laura Bender, artist

Ophelia Benson, columnist, Free Inquiry

Amanda Beresford, Department of Art History and Archaeology, Washington University in Saint Louis

Mark Berger, University of California, Berkeley, and George Washington High School class of 1960

Patricia Berger, emeritus, Department of History of Art, UC Berkeley

Lincoln Bergman, Washington High alumnus, educator, poet

Ceily Bergstrom

Lisa A. Margolin Berkelhammer, San Francisco Art Institute

Jody Berland, Department of Humanities, York University, Toronto

Avis Berman, writer and art historian

Barbara Bernstein, New Deal Art Registry

Jennifer Bethke, Department of Art and Art History, Sonoma State University

Karl Beveridge, artist

Peter Beynon, San Francisco

Amita Bhatt

Sam Binkley, Emerson College

Steven Bird

Elizabeth Bishop, Université d’Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed

Casey N. Blake, Columbia University

Jessica Blatt, Department of Political Science, Marymount Manhattan College

Ernest Everett Blevins, West Virginia State Historic Preservation Office and Living New Deal

Paul Von Blum, Departments of African American Studies and Communication, University of California, Los Angeles

Nancy Boas, San Francisco art historian and author

Michele Bogart, Stony Brook University

Cheryl Ann Bolden, artist and curator

William N. Bonds, emeritus, San Francisco State University

M. Elizabeth Boone, University of Alberta

Leon Botstein, president, Bard College

Kristina A. Boylan, SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Barbara Boyle

Kay Bradner, artist, San Francisco, CA

Jess Bravin, regent emeritus, University of California

Gray Brechin, The Living New Deal, UC Berkeley

Barbara Briemer

Cale Brooks, NYC Democratic Socialists of America Medicare for All campaign

Lulu Brotherton, Art History Department, State University of New York at New Paltz

Nicholas Brown, Departments of English and African American Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago

Wendy Brown, UC Berkeley

Demetri Broxton, Museum of the African Diaspora

Edith Brunette, University of Ottawa

Kimberly Bui, George Washington High School graduate

Joanna Bujes, SIG Docs, San Francisco

Deanne Burke, Berkwood Hedge School, Berkeley

Thomas Busse, treasurer, Libertarian Party of San Francisco

Charles T. Butler, emeritus, Columbus Museum

Judith Butler, University of California at Berkeley

Katharine Butler, artist, Sausalito, Calif., and New York

Stephen Buttes, Department of International Language and Culture Studies, Purdue University, Fort Wayne

John Cain, retired, San Jose Public Library

Felicity Callard, Department of Psychosocial Studies, Birkbeck, University of London

Elena M. Calvillo, Department of Art & Art History, University of Richmond

C. Jean Campbell, Art History Department, Emory University

Stephen Campbell, Department of the History of Art, Johns Hopkins University

Mirko Canevaro, Department of Classics, The University of Edinburgh

Marina Cappelletto, artist

Chris Carlsson, author and historian

Victoria Carpenter, artist and educator, Oakland Public School District, CA

Noel Carroll, Graduate Center, City University of New York

Matthew Carson, Los Medanos College

Kathleen M. Carter, former Virginia Beach, Va., Arts and Humanities Commissioner

Robert W. Carter, former trustee, Chrysler Museum of Art

Pamela Casper, New York Society Of Women Artists, New York Artists Circle

Roy E. Castellini, docent council board member, Crocker Art Museum, Sac, CA

Susan Castriota, artist

Sarah Cate, Department of Political Science, Saint Louis University

Faya Causey, retired, National Gallery of Art, DC

Michael Cavadias, actor, writer, NYC-DSA Citywide Leadership Committee

Anna Harwell Celenza, Georgetown University

Enrique Chagoya, Department of Art and Art History, Stanford University

Jeffery Chan, emeritus, Asian American Studies and English Departments, San Francisco State University

Stuart A. Chase, executive director, Monterey Museum of Art

Bi-Ling Chen, University of Central Arkansas

Robert W. Cherny, emeritus, San Francisco State University

Merlin Chowkwanyun, Columbia University

Leif Christiansen

Kevin Chua, Texas Tech University

Chuck Churchill, emeritus, Department of History, California State University, Chico

Carol Clark, emerita, Amherst College

T.J. Clark, emeritus, University of California, Berkeley

Hollis Clayson, Department of Art History, Northwestern University

David Clennon, Santa Monica, CA

Jeremy Cohan, School of Visual Arts

Bruce Cohen, emeritus, Worcester State University

Joni Alizah Cohen, writer, London, UK

Steven Colatrella, University of Padua

Eileen M. Colligan

Rob Colvin, New York Academy of Art

Carole Condé, artist

David R. Conrad, emeritus, University of Vermont

Jeff Cooper, retired history teacher, Crossroads School, Santa Monica, CA

Nicholas Copeland, Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Margaret Crawford, Department of Architecture, University of California, Berkeley

Gretchen Creekbaum, Indiana University

Todd Cronan, Art History Department, Emory University

Linda Cunningham, emerita, Franklin and Marshall College

Lincoln Cushing, archivist, artist, author

Barbara Kennedy Cutten

Merritt Cutten

Peter d’Agostino, artist and professor, Temple University

Husny Dahlan, artist

Patricia Dahlman, artist

Michael Dal Cerro, artist

Jessica M. Dandona, Liberal Arts Department, Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Malcolm Daniel, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

Keith Danish, Leonia, N.J.

Frances Davis, writer, Santa Barbara, Calif.

Michael Davis, emeritus, University of California, Riverside

Jodi Dean, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY

Spencer Decker, architect, San Francisco

Jerome H. Delamater, emeritus, Hofstra University

Rachael Z. DeLue, Department of Art & Archaeology and Program in American Studies, Princeton University

Steven DeLue, Miami University, emeritus, and Sonoma State University

James D’Emilio, Department of Humanities and Cultural Studies, University of South Florida

Claudia DeMonte, emerita, University of Maryland

Carol Denney, artist, Berkeley, Calif.

Linval DePass

Bindu Desai, M.D., Albany, Calif.

Susan C. Dessel, NY Artists Circle

Martha Louise Deutscher, author

Geert Dhondt, Department of Economics, John Jay College, CUNY

Dina DiBattista

Maria DiBattista, Department of English and Comparative Literature, Princeton University

William Diebold, Reed College

Eugenio Di Stefano, Foreign Languages & Literature, University of Nebraska, Omaha

Jed Dodd, Vice President, BMWED-Teamsters

Francisco Dominguez, photographer, artist, host of Radio Informar-KDVS public affairs

Michael S. Donaldson

Mariam F. Donerian, Somersville, Conn.

Tim Drescher, independent scholar

Veena Dubal, University of California, Hastings

Madhu Dubey, Departments of English and African American Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago

Carol Duncan, emeritus, Ramapo College of New Jersey

Stephen Duncombe, Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, New York University, co-director, Center for Artistic Activism

Tim Dunn, George Washington High School parent, San Francisco

Jessica Dunne, painter and printmaker, San Francisco

Marie-José Durquet, SFUSD parent, teacher at Gunn High School

Vivian Goodman Duvall

Leslie Dwyer, emerita, UCLA

Adam Eaker, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Steve Early, journalist, author, and member of NewsGuild-CWA

Merle Lynn Easton, AIA

Steve Eckardt, member Local 308 Amalgamated Transit Union, Chicago

TammyJo Eckhart

Martha Edelheit, artist

Jacob Edwards, Tulane University

Steve Edwards,  Department of Art History, Birkbeck College, University of London

Adele Eisenstein, curator, New York, NY and Budapest, Hungary

William Elliot

Annette Elowitch, founder, Barridoff Galleries, Portland, Maine

Rob Elowitch, founder, Barridoff Galleries, Portland, Maine

E. Lee Eltzroth, independent scholar, Peachtree City, GA

Deirdre English, University of California at Berkeley

Denise Escontrias

Robert Eshelman-Håkansson, Columbia Journalism School

Joaquin Espinosa, Cloverdale, CA

Sarah Evans, School of Art and Design, Northern Illinois University

Tom Eyers, Departments of Philosophy and English, Duquesne University

Hilarie Faberman

Nancy Faughnan, Yale University

David Featherstone

Liza Featherstone, The Nation and Jacobin, New York University and Columbia University

Terry Donsen Feder, Hartford Art School

Nina Felshin, writer, activist, curator, formerly Zilkha Gallery, Wesleyan University

Michael Fiday, College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati

Norma Field, retired, University of Chicago

Carlos Figueroa, Ithaca College

Yevgeniy Fiks, artist

Jerry Fillingim

Allan Fisher, City College of San Francisco

Karen Fitzgerald, visual artist, NYC

Richard Flacks, Department of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara

Jonathan Flatley, English Department, Wayne State University

Victoria Fleck, Philadelphia DSA

Dan Flory, Department of History & Philosophy, Montana State University

Hal Foster, Department of Art & Archaeology, Princeton University

Keith Fowler, emeritus, Claire Trevor School of the Arts, University of California, Irvine, and George Washington High School class of 1956.

Diana J. Fox, Department of Anthropology, Bridgewater State University

Daniel Francisco, board member of George Washington High School Alumni Association

Anne-Lise François, University of California, Berkeley

H. Bruce Franklin, emeritus, Departments of English and American Studies, Rutgers University—Newark

Karen Franklin, forensic psychologist, El Cerrito, CA

Nancy Fraser, New School for Social Research

Isabelle Freda, Film Studies Program, Hofstra University

Joshua B. Freeman, Department of History, Queens College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

Mark Freeman, School of Theatre, Television, and Film, San Diego State University

Joan Frenkel, Daly City, Calif.

Amy Freund, Department of Art History, Southern Methodist University

Michael Fried, emeritus, Johns Hopkins University

Rebecca Friedman, Princeton University

Bernard Frischer, Department of Informatics, Indiana University

Ellen T. Frisina, Journalism, Media Studies, and Public Relations Department, Hofstra University

Amber A’Lee Frost, writer and journalist

Laura Fry, Gilcrease Museum

William A. Gallo, artist and educator

Edgar Garcia, Department of English, University of Chicago

Francisco Rocky Garcia, GWHS graduate, community activist, visual artist

Sal Garcia, artist and curator, San Francisco

Judith K. Gardener, Chicago, Ill.

Joy Garnett

Rochelle Gatlin, emeritus, City College of San Francisco

Heather Gautney, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Fordham University

Tamara Gayer, artist

Miriam M. Basilio Gaztambide, Department of Art History, New York University

Amy Geller

Galina Gerasimova, City College of San Francisco

Paolo Gerbaudo, King’s College London

Frances Geteles, City College of New York, CUNY

Terri Ginsberg, The American University in Cairo

Judy Gittelsohn, Art for Well Beings

Fred Glass, Labor and Community Studies Department, City College of San Francisco

Sarah Glaubman, Oakland, Calif.

Sarah Gleeson-White, Department of English, University of Sydney

Herbert Golder, Boston University

Deborah Goldgaber, Louisiana State University

Jeffrey Goldthorpe, English Department, City College of San Francisco

Hon. Ruth Y. Goldway, ret. chair and commissioner, U.S. Postal Regulatory Commission, former mayor, Santa Monica, Calif.

Joseph Goldyne, artist

Heather Goodman, Goldsmiths

Eric A. Gordon, National Writers Union, Workmen’s Circle/Arbeiter Ring, Los Angeles Worker Center

Suzanne Gordon, author, journalist, member CWA-NewsGuild

Alexander Gorman, Duquesne University

Erika Davidson Gottfried, emerita archivist, Tamiment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University

Marie Gottschalk, Political Science Department, University of Pennsylvania

Bruce Graver, Providence College

Robert Greene, Portland, Ore.

Scott Griffith

Darcy Grimaldo Grigsby, U.C. Berkeley

Anthony Gronowicz, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY

Brian Gross, Brian Gross Fine Art, San Francisco

Dustin Guastella, Philadelphia DSA

Gabriele Guidi, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

Ilya Gurin

Marta Gutman, City College of New York and Graduate Center/CUNY

Melissa Gwyn, University of California at Santa Cruz

Madeleine Haddon, Princeton University

Steven Hahn, New York University

Beverly L. Hall

John Halle, composer and pianist

Richard Halpern, Department of English, New York University

Theodore Hamm, St. Joseph’s College, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Mary Ruffin Hanbury, Hanbury Preservation Consulting

Joseph F. Hancock, editor, Labor Today/El Trabajo Diario on behalf of Labor United for Class Struggle

James Hankins, Harvard University

Lawrence Hanley, Department of English, San Francisco State University

Claire Haratani, Menlo Park, Calif.

Joan Haratani, Menlo Park, Calif.

Lea Haratani, Menlo Park, Calif.

Amy Harlib

Ann Sutherland Harris, emerita, History of Art & Architecture, University of Pittsburgh

Theodore A. Harris, founder and director, The Institute for Advanced Study in Black Aesthetics

Hershl Hartman, The Sholem Community, L.A.

Jonathan Harwitz, Low Income Investment Fund

David Harvey, Graduate Center, CUNY

Charles Hatfield, University of Texas at Dallas

Art Hazelwood, San Francisco Art Institute

Andrew Hemingway, emeritus, Department of the History of Art, University College London

Molly Heron

William F. Herrón III, senior mural art conservator and proprietor, Conservancy of Urban Art, Los Angeles

Patricia Hills, emerita, Boston University

Renee Hirschberg

Stephen Hitchcock, Prague, Czech Republic

Leslie Hogan

Ivend D. Holen, Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice

Bonnie Holt, Fine and Media Arts Department, Contra Costa College

Dave Holt

Claudia Hommel, former archivist, Detroit Institute of Arts

Vlatka Horvat, artist

James Housefield, University of California, Davis

Andrew Hsiao, Verso Books

Gary Huck, political cartoonist, Huck/Konopacki Cartoons

Arthur Hughes, artist

Gordon Hughes, Rice University

Sarah Humphreville, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

Forrest Hylton, Ciencia Política, Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Sede Medellín

Alexander Ignon

Annemarie Iker, Mill Valley, CA

Amy Ione, director, The Diatrope Institute

Joel Isaacson, emeritus, University of Michigan

William Issel, San Francisco State University

Rich Ivry, Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley

Jack Jackson, Department of Politics, Whitman College

Anton Jäger, Cambridge University

Daniel James, Department of History, Indiana University

Fredric Jameson, Duke University

Kenneth Janken, Department of African, African American and Diaspora Studies, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Catharine Jansen, art historian and retired museum librarian

Stephanie C. Jeanjean, The Cooper Union, Sotheby’s Institute, New York

Cedric G. Johnson, University of Illinois at Chicago

Richard A. Johnson, The Sports Museum, Boston, Mass.

Robert Flynn Johnson, emeritus, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

Alastair Johnston, retired, University of California, Berkeley

Michele Jones, SFUSD parent

Peyton Lee Jones, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg

Timothy Justus, Pitzer College

Lewis Kachur, Art History program, Kean University

Stephen Kaltenbach, emeritus, California State University, Sacramento

Vanessa Kam

Ramsey Kanaan, publisher, PM Press

Beth Katleman, artist

Cindi Katz, Graduate Center, CUNY

Tarak Kauff, Veterans for Peace, managing editor, Peace in Our Times

Robert Keim, GWHS graduate, Port Townsend, Washington

Terry Keim, artist and writer, Hines, OR

Gail Kelley

Kyra Ayn Kennedy

Fred Kennel

Linda Kent

Christina Kiaer, Department of Art History, Northwestern University

Katherine C. King, emerita, Comparative Literature, UCLA

Phil King, artist and editor

Virginia King, mother of George Washington High School graduate

Leslie A. Koelsch

Joel Kohen

Olga Kopenkina, curator, New York

Anna Kornbluh, University of Illinois at Chicago

Steven Kovacs, School of Cinema, San Francisco State University and George Washington High School alumnus

Geoffrey Koziol, Department of History, UC Berkeley

Joyce Kozloff, artist

Jason Kozlowski, Institute for Labor Studies and Research, West Virginia University

Chris Kraus, writer and critic

Brandon Kreitler, CUNY

Barbara Krzewicki

Benjamin Kunkel, author

Pat Kunstenaar

David Kunzle, emeritus, writer on murals

Karen Kurczynski, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Diana Kurz, artist, NYC

Olivia Kuser, artist

Rachel Kushner, novelist and George Washington High School graduate

Scarlet La Rue, retired surgeon, George Washington High School graduate

Gordon Lafer, University of Oregon

Roger N. Lancaster, George Mason University

Rocco Landesman, president emeritus Jujamcyn Theaters, former Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts

Helen Langa, emerita, Art Department, American University

Martin C. Langeveld, former publisher, The Berkshire Eagle, and former board chair, Hancock Shaker Village, Pittsfield, Mass.

Brad Lapin, Atlanta, GA and Rome, Italy

Marjorie Lasky, emerita, Department of History, Diablo Valley College

Nora Latin, writer and George Washington High School graduate

Denis Lavinski, artist, Los Angeles

Karen J. Leader, Department of Visual Arts and Art History, Florida Atlantic University

Virginia Leavell, University of California, Santa Barbara

Anthony W. Lee, Mount Holyoke College

Ying Lee

Marc James Léger, independent scholar

Robert Lehman, English Department, Boston College

Robert D. Leighninger Jr.

Steve Leikin, History Department, San Francisco State University

Jerry Lembcke, emeritus, Department of Sociology/Anthropology, Holy Cross College

Marisa Lerer, Manhattan College

Eric Lerner, civil rights and immigrant rights activist, member, Jobs and Equal Rights for All Campaign

Stephanie Levin, City College of San Francisco/University of San Francisco

Yasha Levine, author, investigative journalist, Washington High School alumnus

Howard Levy

Carol Lewine

Ruth Leys, emeritus, Johns Hopkins University

Siv B. Lie, School of Music, University of Maryland, College Park

Sasha Lilley, KPFA Radio

Dennis Linn, author

Sheila Linn, author

Adam Linson, University of Stirling

Lucy R. Lippard, cultural and contemporary art author

Beverly Lipson, Washington High School graduate

Linda Liu, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Paolo Liverani, Università di Firenze

Lourdes Livingston, Academy of Art University and Achenbach Graphic Arts Council

Dave Loewenstein, muralist, Lawrence, KS

Fred Lonidier, emeritus, University of California, San Diego

Leslie Lopez, LaborFest Hawai’i

Stephanie Luce, former docent, National Archives, Washington DC

Angelina Lucento, School of Historical Studies, National Research University-Higher School of Economics (Russian Federation)

Rita Boncompagni Ludovisi

Kilynn Lunsford, Philadelphia DSA, Unite Here local 274

Catherine H. Lusheck, University of San Francisco

Joan Lyons, artist, emerita, Visual Studies Workshop

Seth Kahn, Professor of English, West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis, The Graduate Center, The City University of New York

Lucy Mahler, muralist

Nivedita Majumdar, John Jay College, CUNY

Virginia Maksymowicz, emerita, Department of Art & Art History, Franklin & Marshall College

John Marciano, emeritus, SUNY Cortland

Kitty Margolis, jazz singer and educator, San Francisco

Kara Maria, artist

Tom Marioni, founder, Museum of Conceptual Art, San Francisco

Charles Marsteller, retired, University of California, San Francisco

Carl G. Martin, Norwich University

Nilus de Matran

Evan Mauro, University of British Columbia, Vancouver

Margie Maynard, Sonoma Valley Museum of Art

Fabian Maynetto, San Francisco State University

Leo Mazow, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

Sean McCann, Wesleyan University

Anne McClanan, Art History, Portland State University

Sharon McConnell-Sidorick, historian and author

Jessica McCoy, Pitzer College

Pamela Mays McDonald, graduate, George Washington High School, retired senior administrator, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, former arts commissioner, Alameda County

Susan McDonough, appraiser, San Francisco

Carol McFarland, Arcata, CA

Bruce McGaw, emeritus, San Francisco Art Institute

Matthew McKelway, Department of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University

Anna McKittrick, Emory University

Thomas McNamee

David McNeil, emeritus, Department of History, San José State University

Christine Brueckner McVay

Christopher Mead, University of Utah

Elizabeth Mead, Department of Art and Art History, College of William & Mary

Walter Melion, Art History Department, Emory University

William J. Mello, Indiana University

Andrew Merton, emeritus, University of New Hampshire

Joan Mettler

Amy Meyer, national parks advocate and artist, San Francisco

Walter Benn Michaels, English Department, University of Illinois at Chicago

Judith A. Miller, Department of History, Emory University

Mark Crispin Miller, Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, New York University

Sarah M. Miller, Mills College

Sherry Millner, CUNY Staten Island

Doug Minkler, poster maker

Alex Miokovic, College of Art and Design, Rochester Institute of Technology

Daniel Moak, African American Studies, Ohio University

Laurie Norton Moffatt, Norman Rockwell Museum

Michael Monley, retired history teacher, George Washington High School

David S. Moore

Dorinda Moreno, Hitec Aztec

Doug Morris, West Chester University, West Chester, Penn.

Brian Morton, Sarah Lawrence College

Leah Moscozo, senior mural art conservator and proprietor, Conservancy of Urban Art, Los Angeles

Anthony Mostrom, artist and journalist, Los Angeles

Sean Mulligan

Colleen Mullins, artist, San Francisco

Dennis Mulqueeney, Berkeley, Calif.

Steve Mumford, artist

Michael Munk, retired academic and historian

Pete Murchison

Niall Ó Murchú, Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies, Western Washington University

Malgorzata Myk, Institute of English Studies, University of ?ód?, Poland

Ted Nannicelli, University of Queensland

Balaji Narasimhan, Los Altos, Calif.

Zoika Naskova

Joshua C. Nathan, Attorney at Law, NY

Deborah Nelson, University of Chicago

Raymond Richard Neutra, M.D., Ph.D.

Heidi C. Nickisher, College of Art & Design, Rochester Institute of Technology

August Nimtz, Departments of Political Science and African American & African Studies, University of Minnesota

Alva Noe, University of California, Berkeley

Deborah Epstein Nord, Department of English, Princeton University

Anne Norton, Political Science Department, University of Pennsylvania

Marc Norton, former president, Alvarado Elementary School PTA

James Oakes, Graduate Center, CUNY

Micheál O’Connell, University of Sussex, UK

Margaret Olin, Department of Religious Studies, Yale University

Jennifer Olmsted, Department of Art and Art History, Wayne State University

Megan E. O’Neil, Art History Department, Emory University

Walter O’Neill, fresco painter

Patricia O’Regan, paintings conservator, San Francisco

James O’Reilly

Kathryn O’Rourke, Department of Art and Art History, Trinity University

Jeremy Ott, University of California, Berkeley

Fraser Ottanelli, Department of History, University of South Florida

Lincoln Pain, George Washington High School graduate

Charles Palermo, Department of Art and Art History and Film and Media Studies Program, College of William & Mary

Catha Paquette

Samuele F. S. Pardini

Christian Parenti, Department of Economics, John Jay College, CUNY

Angela F. Parker, attorney, Indiana

Paul A. Passavant, Department of Political Science, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Jason Pedicone, The Paideia Institute

David Perry, director of education, The William J. Perry Project

Renée Petropoulos, artist, Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles

Emily Phillips, artist

Ellen Piccolo, Prince Street Gallery

Jacob Picheny, retired, City College of San Francisco

Michael Pierce, Department of History, University of Arkansas

Sheila Pinkel, emerita, Art Department, Pomona College

John P. Pittman, Department of Philosophy, John Jay College, CUNY

Peter G. Platt, Department of English, Barnard College

Susan N. Platt

Mantra Plonsey, El Cerrito, Calif.

Frances K. Pohl, emeritus, Pomona College

David Poklinkoski, president emeritus, IBEW Local 2304

Alex Potts, University of Michigan

Lawrence N. Powell, Tulane University

Paul Prescod, Philadelphia Federation of Teachers

Karl Pribram, composer, San Francisco

James Prigoff

Adam Proctor, Dead Pundits Society

Stanislao Pugliese, Department of History, Hofstra University

David Pullins, The Frick Collection

Damian S. Quintanilla, Sr., alumnus, University of California, Merced

Katie Rader, University of Pennsylvania

Carol Radsprecher, artist, Brooklyn, NY

Joseph G. Ramsey, Departments of English and American Studies, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Peter Ranis, Graduate Center, City University of New York

John Rapko, College of Marin

Stephanie Rauschenbusch, artist, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Courtney Rawlings, Emory University

Orlando Reade, English Department, Princeton University

Reiko Redmonde, Revolution Books Berkeley

Adolph Reed, Jr., emeritus, Political Science Department, University of Pennsylvania

Touré Reed, Department of History, Illinois State University

Victoria S. Reed, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Carly Regina, University of Pennsylvania

Oliver Ressler, artist and filmmaker, Vienna

Susan M. Reverby, emerita, Wellesley College

Rhonda Reymond, Art History Department, West Virginia University

Laurie Jo Reynolds, Art Department, University of Illinois at Chicago

Anne-Marie Rhodes, School of Law, Loyola University Chicago

Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway, emerita, Bryn Mawr College

Katherine W. Rinne, California College of the Arts

Julie Risser, Liberal Arts Department, Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Jon Ritter, Department of Art History, New York University

Ellen Robbins, Johns Hopkins University

John Roberts, University of Wolverhampton

Alan Rohwer, independent scholar

Christian Ronse, University of Strasbourg

Mark Rosen, University of Texas at Dallas

Carmen Rosenberg-Miller, Department of Art & Archaeology, Princeton University

Mark C. Rosenzweig, former director, Reference Center for Marxist Studies

Phyllis Rosenzweig, independent curator

Martha Rosler, artist

Diana Maria Rossi, artist, Berkeley, Calif.

David S. Rotenstein, Goucher College

Laura E Ruberto, Berkeley City College

James H. Rubin, Department of Art, Stony Brook University

Jeffrey Ruda

Vasily Rudich, independent scholar

Blair Rutherford, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Carleton University

Fred Ryan, Shawville, Quebec

Greg Ryan

Kathleen E. Salvia, retired executive director, Sanchez Art Center, Pacifica

Jos Sances, artist and retired Teamster

Darryl Sapien, artist, San Francisco

Emilio Sauri, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Joan Saverino, University of Pennsylvania

David Schaafsma, Department of English, University of Illinois at Chicago

Michele Schaal, San Francisco

Jesse Schaefer, former George Washington High School student

Reuel Schiller, University of California, Hastings College of the Law

Ann Schneider, Esq., NYC

Eugene Schoenfeld

Michael Schreyach, Department of Art and Art History, Trinity University

Jason Schulman, Lehman College, CUNY

Barry Schwabsky, The Nation

Harvey Schwartz

Dahlia Schweitzer, Art Center College of Design

Joseph Sciorra, John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, Queens College, CUNY

Joan W. Scott, Princeton, New Jersey

Mika Seeger, ceramic muralist, Rhode Island

Louis Segal, retired lecturer in history

Carole Seligman

Cynthia Servetnick, San Francisco Preservation Consortium

Julie Seville, History Department, University of Chicago

Nizan Shaked, California State University, Long Beach

Irith Shalmony

Susan Shepard, historian, curator, and genealogist, Connecticut

Stephen Sheppard, Williams College

Will Shetterly, writer

Galina Shevchenko, Harold Washington College

Joseph Shieber, Lafayette College

Heather Shirey, art historian

Willis L. Shirk, Jr., Meraki Enterprises LLC, Lancaster, Penn.

Gregory Sholette, artist

Marguerite Shore, New York

Laurence Shute, emeritus, Economics Department, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Daniel Sidorick, Department of Labor Studies, Rutgers University

Gary Siegel, small business owner, San Francisco

Hadass Silver, Political Science Department, University of Pennsylvania

Korey Simeone, Los Angeles

Hope Singer, Arts Workers Union attorney

Lisa Siraganian, Southern Methodist University

Dan I. Slobin, emeritus, University of California, Berkeley

Jedidiah Sloboda, Philadelphia School District

Charles T. Smith, retired, AFSCME local 444, Richmond, Calif.

Harvey Smith, National New Deal Preservation Association

John Curtis Smith, Wake Technical Community College

Murray Smith, University of Kent

Nina G. Smith, licensed marriage and family counselor

Preston H. Smith II, Mount Holyoke College

Richard Smith, architect, Swampscott Historical Commission, Swampscott, Mass.

Rogers M. Smith, Political Science Department, University of Pennsylvania

Davis Smith-Brecheisen, University of Illinois at Chicago

Maryly Snow, distinguished emerita librarian, University of California, Berkeley

Andrew Solow, San Francisco, CA

Lucia Sommer, Critical Art Ensemble, Tallahassee, FL

Miri Song, University of Kent

Jenni Sorkin, University of California, Santa Barbara

Cayley Sorochan, McGill University

Laurel Sparks, Department of Fine Arts, Pratt Institute

Daniel Spaulding, Getty Research Institute

Ellen Spear, Norman Rockwell Museum

Michael Spear, Kingsborough Community College, CUNY

Kal Spelletich, San Francisco Art Institute

Joni Spigler, artist and art historian

Richard Stallman, founder of free software movement

Amy Dru Stanley, Department of History and the Law School, University of Chicago

Peter Stansky, Stanford University

Ilan Stavans, Amherst College

Christopher M. Sterba, San Francisco State University

Melissa Stern, artist, journalist, Parsons School of Design, NYC

Wat Stearns, AlternaTees

Clay Steinman, emeritus, Media and Cultural Studies, Macalester College

Carolyn C. Stenovec

Andrew Stewart, emeritus, Departments of History of Art and Classics, UC Berkeley

Timothy Stewart-Winter, Department of History, Rutgers University—Newark

Steve Striffler, Anthropology Department, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Patricia Sullivan, University of South Carolina

Draga Šušanj, artist, Omega Institute

Ted Swedenburg, Department of Anthropology, University of Arkansas

B. Alexandra Szerlip

Adam Szetela, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin at Madison

Zachary Tavlin, School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Paula Taylor

Diane Tepfer, University of Maryland, University College

Rei Terada, University of California, Irvine

Lisa Thompson, The Living New Deal

Sam Thurston, painter and sculptor, Lowell, Vt.

John Timberlake, Middlesex University, London, UK

Blaise Tobia, emeritus, Department of Art and Art History, Drexel University

Michael A. Tomlan, Cornell University

Joe Tompkins, Department of Communication Arts and Theatre, Allegheny College

Edgar L. Torres, Latin American and Latino Studies, City College of San Francisco

Randall Tosh, attorney, Salem, OR

Amy Trachtenberg, visual artist, public artist

Mary Anne Trasciatti, Hofstra University

Arthur Tress, photographer, San Francisco

Preston Trombly, artist

Adam Turl, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, art and design editor, Red Wedge Magazine

Harold Turnquist, retired, Saint Paul Public Schools, Saint Paul, Minn.

Francine Tyler, Department of Art History, New York University

Dell Upton, Department of Art History, UCLA

James A. van Dyke, University of Missouri

Eric Varner, Art History Department, Emory University

Mariah Vaughn

Marina Vishmidt, Department of Media, Communications and Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London

Robert Vitalis, Political Science Department, University of Pennsylvania

Christian Viveros-Fauné, Contemporary Art Museum, University of South Florida

Beverly R. Voloshin, emerita, San Francisco State University

Paul Von Blum, Departments of African American Studies and Communication, UCLA

Anne M. Wagner, emeritus, History of Art, University of California, Berkeley

Bryan Wagner, University of California, Berkeley

Alan Wallach, emeritus, Department of Art and Art History and American Studies Program, College of William & Mary

Erik Wallenberg, Brooklyn College

Susan Waller, University of Missouri, St. Louis

Kjell M. Wangensteen, Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields

Lauren Ward

Mary Margaret Ward, Novato, Calif.

Kenneth Warren, Department of English, Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture, University of Chicago

Shilyh Warren, University of Texas at Dallas

Kathryn Wayne, emerita, University of California Berkeley

Gail Wechsler, San Francisco

Andrew Weinstein, Department of Art History, Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY, and Cooper Union

Rebecca Weinstein

Carol A. Wells, founder and executive director, Center for the Study of Political Graphics

Jeff Wentzell

Stephen Whistler, artist, Napa, Calif.

Deirdre White, artist, City College of San Francisco and University of California, Davis

Eric White, artist, Los Angeles and New York

Ian McKibbin White, emeritus, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

Jeff Whittington, San Francisco

Debra Wilensky, San Francisco, parent of GWHS graduate

David E. Wilkins, Jepson School of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond

Allan Wilson, Portland State University

Ellen Winner, Department of Psychology, Boston College

Joanne Chow Winship, former director of cultural affairs, San Francisco Arts Commission

Erika Wolf, School of Advanced Studies, University of Tyumen, Russian Federation

Maryanne Wolf, director, Center for Dyslexia, Diverse Learners, and Social Justice

Mark W. Wolfe, Emory University

Phoebe Wolfskill, Indiana University

Howard Wong, AIA

George Wright, emeritus, California State University, Chico

Joanna Wuest, Princeton University

Chloe Wyma, associate editor, Artforum, The Graduate Center, CUNY

Margot Yale, The Museum of Modern Art, New York

Joseph Yannielli, Aston University

Victor Riley Y’Barbo, Stephen F. Austin State University

Lawrence Yee

Rachel Youens, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY

Marnin Young, Art History Department, Stern College for Women, Yeshiva University

Daniel Zamora, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Eli Zaretsky, New School for Social Research

Paul Zelevansky, artist and writer, New York

Justyn Zolli, visual artist and museum professional

Steven Zucker, executive director, Smarthistory