The Fall and Rise of American Finance: From J.P. Morgan to BlackRock

Costas Lapavitsas

Costas Lapavitsas has taught economics at SOAS since 1990 and has done research on the political economy of money and finance, the Japanese economy, the history of economic thought, economic history, and the contemporary world economy. He has published widely in the academic field and writes frequently for the international and the Greek press. His most recent books include: Against the Troika, with H. Flassbeck (Verso, 2015); Profiting Without Producing (Verso, 2013); Crisis in the Eurozone, together with several RMF researchers (Verso, 2012); Social Foundations of Markets, Money and Credit (Routledge, 2003); Development Policy in the Twenty-first Century, ed., with B. Fine and J. Pincus (Routledge, 2001); and Political Economy of Money and Finance, with M. Itoh (MacMillan, 1999).

Gerald Epstein

Gerald Epstein is Professor of Economics and a founding Co-Director of the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Epstein has written articles on numerous topics including financial crisis and regulation, alternative approaches to central banking for employment generation and poverty reduction, economists’ ethics and capital account management, and capital flows and the political economy of financial markets and institutions. Most recently his research has focused on the impacts of financialization (Gerald Epstein, ed., Financialization and the World Economy [Elgar Press, 2005]), alternatives to inflation targeting (Gerald Epstein and Erinc Yeldan, eds., Beyond Inflation Targeting: Assessing the Impacts and Policy Alternatives [Elgar Press, 2009]) and financial reform and the Great Financial Crisis (Martin Wolfson and Gerald Epstein, eds., The Handbook of The Political Economy of Financial Crises [Oxford, 2013]). He is writing a book in connection with an INET project on the social inefficiency of the current financial system and approaches to financial restructuring.

Les Leopold

Les Leopold is the executive director of the Labor Institute and author of the new book, Wall Street’s War on Workers: How Mass Layoffs and Greed Are Destroying the Working Class and What to Do About It (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2024).

Stephen Maher

Stephen Maher is Assistant Professor of Economics at SUNY Cortland and Associate Editor of the Socialist Register. He is also the author of Corporate Capitalism and the Integral State: General Electric and a Century of American Power (Palgrave, 2022). He is the coauthor of The Fall and Rise of American Finance: From J. P. Morgan to BlackRock with Scott Aquanno.

Scott Aquanno

Scott Aquanno is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Ontario Tech University. He is the coauthor of The Fall and Rise of American Finance: From J. P. Morgan to BlackRock with Stephen Maher and author of Crisis of Risk: Subprime Debt and US Financial Power from 1944 to Present (Edward Elgar, 2021).

The Fall and Rise of American Finance: From J.P. Morgan to BlackRock

Costas Lapavitsas

Costas Lapavitsas has taught economics at SOAS since 1990 and has done research on the political economy of money and finance, the Japanese economy, the history of economic thought, economic history, and the contemporary world economy. He has published widely in the academic field and writes frequently for the international and the Greek press. His most recent books include: Against the Troika, with H. Flassbeck (Verso, 2015); Profiting Without Producing (Verso, 2013); Crisis in the Eurozone, together with several RMF researchers (Verso, 2012); Social Foundations of Markets, Money and Credit (Routledge, 2003); Development Policy in the Twenty-first Century, ed., with B. Fine and J. Pincus (Routledge, 2001); and Political Economy of Money and Finance, with M. Itoh (MacMillan, 1999).

Gerald Epstein

Gerald Epstein is Professor of Economics and a founding Co-Director of the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Epstein has written articles on numerous topics including financial crisis and regulation, alternative approaches to central banking for employment generation and poverty reduction, economists’ ethics and capital account management, and capital flows and the political economy of financial markets and institutions. Most recently his research has focused on the impacts of financialization (Gerald Epstein, ed., Financialization and the World Economy [Elgar Press, 2005]), alternatives to inflation targeting (Gerald Epstein and Erinc Yeldan, eds., Beyond Inflation Targeting: Assessing the Impacts and Policy Alternatives [Elgar Press, 2009]) and financial reform and the Great Financial Crisis (Martin Wolfson and Gerald Epstein, eds., The Handbook of The Political Economy of Financial Crises [Oxford, 2013]). He is writing a book in connection with an INET project on the social inefficiency of the current financial system and approaches to financial restructuring.

Les Leopold

Les Leopold is the executive director of the Labor Institute and author of the new book, Wall Street’s War on Workers: How Mass Layoffs and Greed Are Destroying the Working Class and What to Do About It (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2024).

Stephen Maher

Stephen Maher is Assistant Professor of Economics at SUNY Cortland and Associate Editor of the Socialist Register. He is also the author of Corporate Capitalism and the Integral State: General Electric and a Century of American Power (Palgrave, 2022). He is the coauthor of The Fall and Rise of American Finance: From J. P. Morgan to BlackRock with Scott Aquanno.

Scott Aquanno

Scott Aquanno is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Ontario Tech University. He is the coauthor of The Fall and Rise of American Finance: From J. P. Morgan to BlackRock with Stephen Maher and author of Crisis of Risk: Subprime Debt and US Financial Power from 1944 to Present (Edward Elgar, 2021).